Lativ這個品牌, 已經知道好久了, 以前姐姐有告訴我, 她買過, 質料還不錯...
但是我卡在身材比例不好的情況下, 都不敢購入...
好死不死的, 5月不知道幾日時, 突然看到...
哇...5月底前購買, 運至 全家, 萊爾富, OK...免運費...
心裡掙札了許久, 想說, 反正不喜歡的話, 就買這次...退貨又不用付錢...
於是就在5月15日時, 下了第一張Lativ的訂單...
其中二件褲子, 因為不知那個size好, 就同時選擇了二個size...
結局是...買了9件, 共花費 2813元...
I've been known this brand for a long time.
My sister told me that the materials were soft and comfortable in her experience.
However, I am not in a good shape - big bottom and thin body.
I was afraid that the extra charge for delivery should be paid when return, so that I didn't place any orders until free-delivery acitvity.
One day in May, I noticed that Lativ offered all of their products at 15% off and free delivery within some specific stores.
I finially placed the first order on 15th May.