I liked this restaurant after I first went there with my friends last Saturday.
他們的產品可以指定不加蒜, 然後又好吃...哈哈...
I really don't like garlic. In there, I could order spaghetti without garlic.
When I asked not to add it in my spaghetti, the waiter looked nicely.
It made my feel happy.
昨天出門辦事情, 又加上感冒, 有點累, 太早到老公公司附近...
Yesterday, I went out for a doctor and some important things.
I was sick and felt tired.
And it was too early to meet Eric.
I went to another branch near Eric's office.
At this time I ordered:
蕃茄蛤蠣義大利麵 (Spaghetti with Clam) $169+10%
經典酥皮玉米湯 (Cream of Corn Soup) $49+10%
Total: $240.00
蕃茄蛤蠣義大利麵, 蛤蠣很新鮮, 都沒有臭臭的味道...
Spaghetti with Clam, Clam was fresh. I liked it very much.
其它真的忘了拍了, 只記得拍Menu...因為太好吃了, 一來就開始吃...不記得要拍了...
By the way, I didn't take any other pictures because the food was really good, and I really enjoyed it.
However, I took photos for their menu.
小銅板官網: http://www.piecettes.com.tw/
Piecettes Website: http://www.piecettes.com.tw/